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Huge Taal volcano eruption is seen from SPACE as satellite catches the moment the Philippines mountain explodes sending a plume of ash

The Taal volcano in the Philippines woke from a 43 year long slumber last week and a satellite captured the entire event from space.
The eruption was recorded by Japan's Himawari-8 satellite, which was animated an released by that shows the plume spread over the course of January 12 and 13.
The massive volcano sent ash nine miles into the air, which was followed by a gushing lava fountain that forced thousands to flee their homes.
Clouds of ash blew more than 60 miles north of the volcano, reaching Manila and shutting down the country's main airport with hundreds of flights cancelled. There were no early reports of casualties but authorities were today scrambling to evacuate more than 6,000 villagers from the volcanic island in the middle of a lake which is usually a popular tourist spot.

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