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Lisa Ray Is Ready To Move On In Life

'My priority is to find a life partner'
After beating a deadly disease , Lisa Ray is ready to move on in life
Last July , When Lisa Ray discovered that she was suffering from cancer, the actress knew it was time to take a fresh perspective on life.And now after successfully beating the disease, she says that having children is on top of her new to do list.
The green eyed beauty , born to a Bengali father and Polish mother, feels like a "reborn"women after her recovery and said that relationships , not work, are her top priority.
The 38- year-old , who is known to be fiercely protective about her personal life , is in a long-term relationship with French Fashion photographer Paolo Zambaldi, But a wedding is not on the cards.
"post cancer , every-thing has changed . I simply cannot go back to living as I was before.I have experienced a lot of growth through pain.
" I am much happier and more peaceful to day,"said Lisa.
The actress who had to shave off her long locks while undergoing chemotherapy, said that she loves her new short hair as it feels natural and Organic.
"I like shorthair as its an experission of what I'have just been through, but just as I don't want to dwell on my cancer journey, so I'll also let my hair grow .Whatever is natural and organic feels correct,"sait the actress.

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